Tuesday, August 21, 2007

new poem:

perched like a gargoyle
in his city apartment
smoking cigarettes
a lugubrious god has grown tired of all his obsequious friends
"the kicker is: i created all of them out of loneliness."

it does get lonely
out their in the dark
above the universes
like floating in an elevated ocean

and thomas dreamt one evening
of beginning his own candy cane ranch
where vaseline ran from the perimeter trees
like petroleum sap
"all this philosophy is so dry.
my poor, dessicated soul."

at the nursing home one evening
i saw his cowboy boots
peeking out beneath the bed
like a brown leather child
hiding behind mothers legs

he told me:
i am a toothless vampire
a frustrated cowboy
burning trash
in the front yard
after work

i used to run at night
in my youth

ive twisted my ankles
sprinting down the train tracks
on the outskirts of the city

he told me:
when the stars begin to breathe white flames
at each dark
i have squinted hard enough,
to see the luminescence
of planets
hovering outside the diaphanous, latex boundary of the universe
like a flashlight
red on the outside of your cheek

and when this happens,
a thousand single lungs
implode like sinking ships
preparing splinters
for sub-aqueous archeologists


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